Sunday, September 16, 2012

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What's important is that you tone down unrealistic expecta- tions - such as dropping a dress size from a handful of weekly gym classes - and shift focus to what's on your plate.
Perhaps then you'll get the results you're really after.
Hands up if you'd rather subject yourself to a torturous bikini wax than admit the truth about certain things (yes, that teeny little cupcake does count, even if you do `deserve it').
If your arm is currently waving around in the air, you're not alone: you just have to louis vuitton replica bags at any prevaricating politician, caught-out celeb or scandalised sports star to realise that we're hard-wired to resort to self-justification.
Some truths are far harder to acknowledge than the calorie count of a cupcake, though.
And while we might be sort-of fine admitting these 'unspeakables' to ourselves, we wouldn't dream of sharing them, for fear of what others think they say about us...
MY grandfather died when I was very young.
I remember him as silent and unfriendly, with watery eyes and pleats of skin around his jowls.
I didn't Louis Vuitton bags for women much about him until recently, when I inherited a box containing a few faded photographs, a jumble of medals, a green silk prisoner-of-war armband and a typed letter of thanks from Buckingham Palace, signed by King George.
There was also a small red notebook in which Grandpa had written his retrospective account of the First World War.
The events from 1914 to 1919 are described succinctly, which makes them all the more chilling: he was wounded twice in Delville Wood; imprisoned then released, only to be shot three times louis vuitton monogram denim the trenches eight months later.
One bullet went right through him, one was surgically removed, and one remained lodged in his body for the rest of his life - a painful reminder of nearly five years of relentless trauma.
After the war, without psychological support, he walked up the horror and got on with life as best he could.
He lost his wife to TB when his son, my father, was just eight years old; again, there was no one to help him or the children process their emotions.

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